
Thursday, 22 April 2010

Letter from Gordon Brown to Marc Fortuna

Dear Marcelo Fortuna

I wanted to write to you personally to let you know how pleased I am you have made the decision to join at such important time, and about the important role you can play in winning the election for Labour.

With our member´s support we have already achieved so much — the shortest NHS waiting times since records began, a national minimum wage, more nurses than ever, and two million children helped through Sure Start.

None of this happened by chance. It happened because people of conscience, goodwill and determination made a commitment to come together for a combined purpose. Bringing real change and righting inequalities are the prime reasons that made me decide to join the Labour Party. We are stronger because of your decision to join us.

But we cannot rest on our achievements; we must fight to protect them and to strive to improve upon them. There is no end point for creating a better society, and there is no stage at which we can be happy to sit back assuming we have done all we can.

Labour´s priorities remain the same: securing the recovery including protecting the jobs and homes of ordinary people, protecting frontline services, standing up for the many not the few and investing in new industries. A Tory government would put all of this at risk.

Despite their new words, the Tories still offer the same ideas. By opposing action to give real help to those who need it and instead concentrating on tax breaks for millionaires, they show where their priorities truly lie.

Just like they did in the last recession, the Tories would walk on by, leaving British people to fend for themselves, whilst cutting the public services they rely on.

We have a duty to make sure that the Tories are never able to debase our country again. And you have an important role to play.

You are our strongest advocate with your friends and in your community. You have the opportunity to help Labour win a forth term, to become a community champion, to stand for local or national Government. What you do and how far you go is entirely up to you.

Whichever route you choose to take I know our party is so much stronger with you on our side. We have an awe inspiring responsability resting on our shoulders and I know that we can, and must, continue our work for a better and stronger Britain.

Yours sincerelly,

Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party

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