
Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Message to Labour International from Gordom Brown

I want to take this opportunity to thank you, as a member of Labour International, for all you do for our party. Your support has never been more vital than today.

For in the coming months the British people will vote in one of the most important general election of modern times. We are campaigning not for a forth term Labour government — but for the first Labour government of a new global era. Wherever in the world you live, you will have seen the effects of the global financial crisis, the worst in sixty years, and the global recession that it caused. Countries all over the world took action to stimulate their economies back to growth, and so have we in Britain.

Only the Conservative Party disagreed. Thanks to our action, and to the shared efforts of the British people, repossessions in Britain have been running at around half the rate at which it peaked in the Tory recession of the 1990s; and the rate of job losses has been four times lower.

Today the economy is still recovering, and the big choice this year will be whether to secure growth or choke off recovery. It will be whether to create an age of aspiration, or to condemn Britain to the “age of austerity” that the Tories promise. It will be whether to keep Britain strong internationally, or to leave our country isolated under the Tories.

That is why this year’s election will be so important. And we will fight the campaign as the underdogs against a lavishly funded Conservative Party. Your help, as a member of Labour International, is crucial. If you have compatriots around you who are not registered to vote, please encourage them to do so. You can remind other British voters abroad of the big choice at the coming election. You can also help by telephone canvassing via the virtual phone bank.


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